Friday, October 15, 2010

Side by Side

Good Morning people,

ok... don't know if it is actually morning where you are, but it sure is where I am. 8 am. Still cannot write about all of the things in my heart and what has happened at conference, but I will.
But to not spare you of words I want to share the lyrics of this beautiful song with you. It is (of course) by Sleeping at Last (by the way you should totally check out their Yearbook project) and is called Side by Side:

A single voice
In an ocean of constant noise,
But somehow our ears were trained
To recognize when we hear you call our name.

Side by side,
Every movement was memorized,
Choreographed before
The schools of fish were born.
Their patterns and plans align,
All in a glorious effort to survive.

There is no language for what we've seen,
Only the sweetness that bends us to our knees,
And all of these fumbling words
To explain what it means,
But out hearts were buried deep in the sand.

The sea unlocks
Like the lid of a music box.
It shivers with foreign sound,
As long as the gears stay wound
The whales will sing their song
All in a glorious effort to be strong.

There's no need to be afraid,
Overwhelming love cascades.
The melody will rise and swell
As it finds its way inside the shell.

The mouth is a mirror,
The mouth is a mirror,
The mouth is a mirror.
We must watch what we say.

There is no language for what we've seen,
Only the sweetness that bends us to our knees,
And all of these fumbling words
To explain what it means,
But our hearts were buried deep in the sand

Isn't that just pure beauty in words?

1 comment:

  1. so i listened to it three times. And I want to listen to it again and again! thank you Ramona :)


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